Today I needed to make more dog food for Gimli, Mr. Sensitive.

I tossed frozen chicken breasts into the over on 350 for about 30-40 minutes until they were done.  Sliced them about 1/4 inch thick and laid them in the dehydrator on 160 Degrees.

Meanwhile, I “baked” 2 sweet potatoes in the microwave after viciously stabbing them with a fork so their juices would ooze out onto the plate.  LOL

In a separate bowl I mashed some frozen bananas I had and a few blueberries.  When the potatoes were done I mashed those in and glopped it onto the pan for the dehydrator.

Gimli loves the chicken and the potato mixture.



This weekend we tried camping at the Cliffs of the Neuse Stake Park near Kinston, NC.  It was a smaller state park than what we were used to, but that made it really nice.  It was only one loop this time.  Our site was, according to the husband, about 40-50 feet across from boundary’s edge to edge.  This does not include the woods between our site and the site on the right of us or the field and bits of woods between us and the campsite on the left of us.

It was so nice!  The bath house was kept really tidy and so were the moss laden and/or sandy paths leading to it.

The kids received their own tent, lanterns, lanyards with whistles attached, and hammocks for Christmas.  All kids sized of course.  They already had their own sleeping bags, mats and pillows, and other such items.

We had enough walkie-talkies for each of us to carry one.  This made it so the kids could explore the site and nearby trails without too much parental involvement.   Me, being a bit of a worrier, asked for updates a little more than periodically.  This did, however, give us the opportunity to practice our walkie-talkie lingo.


While camping with our kiddos this weekend we took time to learn about the stars using an app called skyView.

There are other versions that you can buy, but here’s the free one:

My 9 year old loved exploring the sky and finding all the constellations. He loves to read and learn about the sciences so he enjoyed clicking the constellations on the screen to learn more about them.

While searching for camping sites and state parks online I learned about this nifty thing. The kids were really excited to get their stamp and to check off the activities they did.


To make the soup mix:

  • 1 package of brown gravy mix
  • 1 package of Lipton onion soup mix (there is also a mushroom soup in this form, but it’s harder to find)
  • as many dried mushroom as you like (see how to dehydrate vegetables here).  Just keep in mind that each piece is a who;e mushroom slice even though they are smaller.
  • 1 1/2 packages of dry milk
  • black pepper (optional)
  • 2 teaspoons of flour or cornstarch (This was not in the original recipe, but I think it should help the consistency out a bit.  See the results I had below from the original)
  • Mix or layer (your choice) in a mason jar.

To make the soup:

  1. Empty contents of jar into the bowl.
  2. Add 4 cups of water
  3. Stay with it! I learned the hard way that it will silently boil over when you aren’t looking and you will have to add more water. 🤦‍♀️
  4. Once it’s boiled for a bit, cool a little off in a bowl and taste it. If it is too strong for your taste then you can add more water to thin it out.
  5. Serve in a bowl or a cup, but don’t forget the spoon as all the mushrooms sink to the bottom.  Adding a few teaspoons of flour or cornstarch cooked in may help thicken it up a bit.
  6. My husband and I thought it was delicious!


After 11 years of teaching, a little over a year ago I quit my job due to numerous reasons that had been building up over the last few years.  Some of the reasons, the main reasons actually, were depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and some serious stress.

Don’t get me wrong I LOVED my students and I loved the teaching.  Choosing to leave them was the hardest decision I’ve had to make in a long time, but the fact remains that if I had continued teaching I was well on my way to having a mental breakdown and ending up in the hospital.  No question about it.  I spent the better part of a year laying around the house and moping.  I wasn’t the best company to be around.  I wasn’t going to church either, this had been going on for a while because I haven’t only suffered from depression for a year.

Recently I began going to a different kind of church then I have been use to.  I decided I give this place I kept hearing about a try and see what I’ve been missing out on.  I was born and raised a Presbyterian in a Presbyterian church.  Typical hymns sung by a choir, sermons, and the same familiar church feel as most of the churches out there.  I switched over to Lifepoint Church.

The first sermon I heard there was called “Watch Your Mouth,” which is part of a Proverbs series called “Verbs”  It is a 4 part series:

  1. Above All Else
  2. Watch Your Moth
  3. Choose Wisely
  4. End The Sluggard

We were asked to read 1 verse from proverbs every day.  By the end of the month we would have read the entire book of proverbs.  Anyway…

These sermons hit some wall in my heart and began breaking it down.  It felt like every one of these sermons were written for and spoken directly to me because God wanted me to hear them.  Ever since I have been looking forward to going to church to hear the sermons preached. I’m not saying all of a sudden I’m curred, but it definitely helps to have and keep the faith. (Why is Bon Jovi playing in my head all of a sudden?)

Today I want to share with you the notes from these sermons that I took.  You can click on the link (verbs) that is listed above if you would like to listen to the sermons.


  • fear– take a step of faith instead
  • offense– be unoffendable
  • negativity– be positive instead
  • busyness–take time to enjoy life


  • words hurt and are permanent
  • build each other up
  • build yourself up
  • forgive others and yourself

Remember: God loves your right where you are!


  • make better decisions
  • we are better together than apart
  • Who advises you? (best friend, parents, teacher, pastor…?)
  • Who do you advise? (children, students, peers?)


  • Board of Directors– these are people who coach and advise others
  • A Band of Brothers–these are your teammates or peers
  • A Crew to Coach–these are the students, children, or others that need guidance

Your challenge today:      What do you want to do with what you have learned?

  “I want to speak more positively to my family.  I want to raise them up.  I want to be a better advisor to my children. I want to raise myself up and learn to speak positively about and to myself.”


As mentioned in a previous post, I along with my two children have diagnosed ADHD.  This info-graphic explains what that is for those of you who are unsure or unfamiliar.  ADHD Infographic

My son is 9 and my daughter is 7.  Both are highly intelligent, my son especially and has been tested as having an extremely high IQ for his age.  This is normal.  I want to stop any misconception that people with ADHD are not intelligent.  It is often the exact opposite.  They are almost always extremely gifted in one area or another, though it can be hard to detect because of the other behaviors that overshadow it.  However, this is not what I’m here to talk about today.

If you didn’t know already, ADHD is hard on the child or adult that has it and the family as well.  I would be lying if I said that life in our house was hunky dory and that ADHD has no effect on us whatsoever.

I would like to say that having a degree and background in teaching has really helped me navigate the murky waters that is ADD/ADHD.   I would like to say that having lived with having it my entire life has left me with extremely useful and very profound insights on how to help  my own struggling children.  But that is total bull honkey!

Like every parent that struggles with helping a child with this disability we had trouble with knee-jerk reactions, inattentiveness, avoiding chores and homework, etc.  The worst times of the day being the morning before meds kick in and the evening when meds wear off.  We had tried everything to curb these behaviors.

We tried behavior charts, allowance, positive reinforcement, taking away privileges, bribery, gluten-free diet…. We tried putting both of them in soccer and it seemed that because the practices were held in the evenings it made it difficult for them to focus and behave.

Both of my kids are on meds.  This helps them to focus in school and get things done at home as well (as long as the meds are in their systems).  Meds have to be changed over time.  I can’t tell you how many we have tried until finding the right ones and the right dosage.   It’s important to keep on top of that and be mindful of the changes in the child and inform the doctor as needed.

Sleep also is affected by ADHD.  It started off that my son only needed melatonin to help him get to sleep.  Then, he began having trouble staying asleep.  I’m not talking about waking up one or two times, I’m saying he was staying awake and unable to go back to sleep for the majority of the night.  Melatonin stopped working for the most part.  So, now the doctor has prescribed a medicine to help him sleep at night.  Apparently this is normal for children with ADD/ADHD.

Karate has been another VERY positive thing for my son.  It has helped him with his focus, being respectful, and being a responsible kid.  We are considering putting our daughter in Karate as well.

Don’t get me wrong, things aren’t always stressful at home with my children.  I LOVE how creative and fun-loving they are!  They are sweet, loving, and gentle souls.   Deaglan is very science and technology oriented and Emory is very music and art minded.

Sometimes we yell with frustration at night.  Sometimes we laugh, giggle, and sing.  Some days and nights are difficult to get through and others are smooth.

If you are going through some of the same things I want you to know that you are not alone.  Let’s talk!  Let’s support each other!

What are somethings you have tried that have worked for you?  What have you tried that hasn’t?  I’m looking forward to hearing from you.




Ok, so a friend of mine posted this to her FB page today. I thought it looked delicious!

Elizabeth’s recipe: BBQ sauce, strips of bacon, wrap, and let marinate, then cook.

I was thinking on a variation of this.

Wouldn’t it be delicious to slice open the middle of it and add a mixture of soy sauce, brown sugar, pineapple tidbits with a little juice, and chopped candied jalapenos.

I’m going to have to try this soon!


Y’all this made my day! Kayla, from MamaUnrated, nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award.  I just had a moment after my kids dinner/bath/bed routine to sit down and read her post about what that  actually is. I have to say that I’m pretty stoked and feel really good right now. All smiles! Thanks, Kayla!!!

The stipulations that follow this award is that you must state seven facts about yourself in order to put more of a face behind your blog, per Kayla  I’m good at talking about my kids and things, but have trouble talking about myself.  This is why I suck at interviewing!

  1. I think this is important enough to be said and can be related to by others.  I suffer from depression and anxiety and have found several things lately that help me to deal with day to day life struggles.  One of these things is this new fangled thing called blogging.  Oh, it’s not so new?  Well…it’s new to me!  It helps me focus on the positive and keeps my mind busy.
  2. I have 2 wonderful, brilliant, and creative children that have ADHD.  Unfortunately, that’s my fault since it’s a genetic thing.  Yes, I have it too.  I TRY to pass on my coping strategies to the kids and stay calm while doing it.  It’s hard when 3/4 of your household have the same diagnosed disability.
  3. I am a HUGE David Bowie Fan!  I find him simply marvelous!  I love his music, art,
  4. style, characters, charisma, acting, and everything in between.  I collect his albums on vinyl and am working on collecting the movies he’s been in.  A huge regret in my life in not finding a way to see him in concert.
  5. I LOVE to cook for others!  I don’t like it so much if it’s just for myself, but give me a crowd to cook for and I’m all about it.
  6. Animals are one of my most favorite things in the whole world!  I have had a pet iguana, rabbits, chickens, dogs, cats, fish, guinea pigs, birds, mice, gerbils, hamsters, turkeys, ducks, and I’m sure there have been other things in there somewhere.  I lost my best pooch, Phoenix, at age 12 or so this past summer.  I was devastated.  My other dog, Hershey, stood up and helped me overcome the grief.
  7. One day I hope to own a small backyard farm with plenty of acreage.  Man, I miss my chickens and things!  I want to add goats and pigs to the farm as well as some of the others listed above.
  8. One of my dreams is to find a way to live in Ireland.  It’s my favorite place in the whole world!   If you have any ideas on how to do it let me know!
  9. I LOVE camping! Period.

So, as I read back through this I feel that it sounds as if a kid wrote it.  HAHA
That’s ok.  I was only a teacher for 11 years.



Happy very early Thanksgiving and Christmas!  Or happy turkey any day day?  LOL

So…we had an extra turkey and decided to make this delicious bird because we had leftover celery and bacon that needed to be used.


  • turkey
  • celery
  • sliced onion
  • 1/2 a stick of butter
  • bay leaf
  • bacon slices cut in half
  • salt and pepper
  • celery salt
  • fresh garlic cloves (optional)


  1. Stuff the turkey with sliced onion and celery as shown in the picture.
  2. Rub the skin of the turkey with a fresh garlic clove cut in half.  When done stuff the garlic clove or two under the skin.
  3. Rub the skin with half a stick of butter and stuff the excess under the skin.
  4. Sprinkle the whole thing with celery salt, salt, and pepper.
  5. lay strips of bacon over the turkey as shown in the picture.
  6. Cover your turkey with foil for the over half of the baking time (according to the temperature and time per pound of turkey)
  7. Uncover and bake until the rest of the way, but keep an eye on the bacon as it can burn easily.  If the bacon is burning and the turkey is not done yet, remove the bacon and cook the turkey the rest of the way.
  8. When done, let cool slice and enjoy!



Note: too much fat can cause your gravy not to mix properly.   So, be careful.  Remember the rule about fat. So, if there is too much fat in your turkey drippings you may want to separate the fat from the broth before making the roux.

  1. Cook and drain some bacon and drain the fat or use the bacon from the turkey and break into bits.
  2. Make a Roux–Take a tea spoon of bacon drippings and a 1/2 cup of turkey drippings and mix it with a about a cup of flour (add the flour a little at a time and it should create a thick paste.  Keep cooking the Roux until the fresh flour smell is gone (about 5 minutes).
  3. Slowly add a more turkey broth from the pan or chicken broth from the store until you get the desired consistency and amount of gravy you want.



I have learned after trial and error mostly and even trying those Pinterest “easy meals for camping…” and so on and so forth that what I’m about to tell you is the easiest way to camp with kids! It took all the meal prep frustration, guess work, and stress of when the meal would be ready (because the kids are getting ornery blah blah blah) out of it all. It even made clean up a breeze.  Also, the  list is varied enough that you can choose if you want to bring a cooler for refrigeration or not.

I’m telling you in all seriousness save the  fancy meals prepped in bags and ready to cook and what-have-you for when you are camping with only your significant other and/or other adults.

Also, when camping with kids you tend to pack way too much stuff and end up using only half of it.

For those of you who recently read the post when I first published it, I have now updated it with easy meal preps for our camping trip that’s coming up.

Here are my mealsuggestions:


  • Cheese sticks
  • Sliced apples- dip them in lemon juice or sun drop to keep them from browning.
  • Carrot and celery sticks
  • Bottle of ranch dressing for dipping
  • Individual milks and juices
  • Hotdogs and buns
  • Lunch meat
  • A couple of gallon jugs of lemonade or tea


  • Goober PB&J- it saves space!
  • gallon of water and water flavoring
  • personal size bags of chips
  • packs of cheese or PB crackers
  • Ritz crackers
  • Easy Cheese
  • Vienna Sausages
  • Easy Meal: Canned Nacho Cheese, and Refried beans, mild picante-dip chips in
  • Easy Meal: individual sized chips bags, canned nacho cheese, hot dog chili or mini
  • pepperonis
  • Chef Boyardee
  • individual applesauce cups
  • washed whole apples
  • Bananas
  • Halo Oranges
  • Pop tarts
  • Granola bars
  • Muffins
  • Bagels
  • Sardines (my husband likes them)
  • Loaf of bread- my kids like their PB&J on raisin bread
  • S’mores fixin’s

The cool thing is the kids can cook their own hotdogs, s’mores, and  can grab their own sides.   That lessens the work for you.  Win!


Utensils needed:

NOTE: You can use reusable plates, napkins, and utensils if you choose, but keep in mind the point of this is to make it easier on Mom and Dad while camping with kids. Dishes aren’t fun while camping, but they are doable.

  • Reusable camping sporks or a box of plastic forks and such
  • A ziplock bag with paper plates and napkins
  • Individual reusable water bottles (sports bottles)
  • A water storage container to fill at the campsite with water to wash hands or anything else you may need to clean.
  • Baby wipes
  • Hotdog roasting sticks
  • Can opener

Camping Gear:

  • Tent(s)-duh!
  • Air mattress and sleeping bag for parents (if you have a bad back like I do)
  • The pump for the air mattress.
  • Sleeping bags for kids
  • Pillows (camping size or regular)
  • Moving blankets are good if the camping pad has lots of larger rocks. Lay it in the bottom of your tent. Or you can get yoga mats just for under the kids sleeping bags.  We use one as a soft bed for our dog.
  • Kids head lamps–$1 at Walmart
  • Solar powered lantern to use inside the tent at night
  • Lanterns for outside use
  • Packing lightly but appropriately for the weather is important.
  • Lighters
  • Find a local source to buy your wood from as gas stations and places can be expensive.img_0473
  • Sun screen
  • Bug spray
  • Tick twister- this is a MUST have tool and it’s super easy to use!
  • Food Tents–These food tents are a must while camping to keep the flies away!   We used them almost constantly.

Entertainment for the kids:

  • Anything that glows! Glow sticks, bracelets, necklaces, games, even glow frisbees
  • Finger Rockets



This list will be updated periodically.