Today I needed to make more dog food for Gimli, Mr. Sensitive.

I tossed frozen chicken breasts into the over on 350 for about 30-40 minutes until they were done.  Sliced them about 1/4 inch thick and laid them in the dehydrator on 160 Degrees.

Meanwhile, I “baked” 2 sweet potatoes in the microwave after viciously stabbing them with a fork so their juices would ooze out onto the plate.  LOL

In a separate bowl I mashed some frozen bananas I had and a few blueberries.  When the potatoes were done I mashed those in and glopped it onto the pan for the dehydrator.

Gimli loves the chicken and the potato mixture.



While camping with our kiddos this weekend we took time to learn about the stars using an app called skyView.

There are other versions that you can buy, but here’s the free one:

My 9 year old loved exploring the sky and finding all the constellations. He loves to read and learn about the sciences so he enjoyed clicking the constellations on the screen to learn more about them.

While searching for camping sites and state parks online I learned about this nifty thing. The kids were really excited to get their stamp and to check off the activities they did.


Y’all this made my day! Kayla, from MamaUnrated, nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award.  I just had a moment after my kids dinner/bath/bed routine to sit down and read her post about what that  actually is. I have to say that I’m pretty stoked and feel really good right now. All smiles! Thanks, Kayla!!!

The stipulations that follow this award is that you must state seven facts about yourself in order to put more of a face behind your blog, per Kayla  I’m good at talking about my kids and things, but have trouble talking about myself.  This is why I suck at interviewing!

  1. I think this is important enough to be said and can be related to by others.  I suffer from depression and anxiety and have found several things lately that help me to deal with day to day life struggles.  One of these things is this new fangled thing called blogging.  Oh, it’s not so new?  Well…it’s new to me!  It helps me focus on the positive and keeps my mind busy.
  2. I have 2 wonderful, brilliant, and creative children that have ADHD.  Unfortunately, that’s my fault since it’s a genetic thing.  Yes, I have it too.  I TRY to pass on my coping strategies to the kids and stay calm while doing it.  It’s hard when 3/4 of your household have the same diagnosed disability.
  3. I am a HUGE David Bowie Fan!  I find him simply marvelous!  I love his music, art,
  4. style, characters, charisma, acting, and everything in between.  I collect his albums on vinyl and am working on collecting the movies he’s been in.  A huge regret in my life in not finding a way to see him in concert.
  5. I LOVE to cook for others!  I don’t like it so much if it’s just for myself, but give me a crowd to cook for and I’m all about it.
  6. Animals are one of my most favorite things in the whole world!  I have had a pet iguana, rabbits, chickens, dogs, cats, fish, guinea pigs, birds, mice, gerbils, hamsters, turkeys, ducks, and I’m sure there have been other things in there somewhere.  I lost my best pooch, Phoenix, at age 12 or so this past summer.  I was devastated.  My other dog, Hershey, stood up and helped me overcome the grief.
  7. One day I hope to own a small backyard farm with plenty of acreage.  Man, I miss my chickens and things!  I want to add goats and pigs to the farm as well as some of the others listed above.
  8. One of my dreams is to find a way to live in Ireland.  It’s my favorite place in the whole world!   If you have any ideas on how to do it let me know!
  9. I LOVE camping! Period.

So, as I read back through this I feel that it sounds as if a kid wrote it.  HAHA
That’s ok.  I was only a teacher for 11 years.