This is so funny.  I am snorting so loud while writing this that my  Mommy thinks I’m having trouble breathing.  LOL

That is a picture of my sister, Hershey, when she tried to steal oatmeal from the chickens and got her head stuck in the oatmeal canister.

I have a story just similar to it, but I was lucky that Mommy was laughing so hard she was in tears and couldn’t operate her camera phone.  HA!

I was trying to get to a bit of water in this little brown jug that was sitting on the patio and well, I got my head stuck.

I was swinging my head all over the place and couldn’t get it off.  I must of run into something shortly after as it smashed to bits and I was free!

Wow, I don’t think I’ll do that again.  Hey, what’s that over there?  Can I eat it?

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